Full Stack Developer, UX/UI consultant, User research (7 days)

Ruby on Rails application and educational resource hub for students, teachers and staff. Users can view and manage information about their classes, homework, submissions and feedback. I integrated font-end validation, polymorphic database relationships, implemented d3 rendering of student performance data and consulted on UX/UI design.

Student Account Email: GA@student.com, Password: GAisnum1
Teacher Account Email: GA@teacher.com, Password: GAisnum1


Full Stack Developer, UX/UI (12 days)

Express, Node, MongoDB application that helps users find restaurants that suit their dietary needs integrating Google Maps API. I created database models, contributed to styling, branding, app logic and designed the filter that renders database search results based on user queries.

Save the Enterprise!

Front-end Developer, UX/UI (24 hours)

A game that helps developers remember the actions associated with databases. Using only CSS and Javascript/jQuery, I created game flow by hiding and showing elements based on user action and incorporated timed elements and audio.

Tassel Piano

Front-end Developer, UX/UI (48 hours)

This is an animated music application with incorporated audio. Each string in the tassel is a key on a piano tuned to C major that the user can play by clicking or hovering.

This is the first project I made in javascript before any schooling and before I knew you could even put javascript in a separate file. I have left the code mostly untouched as a time capsule.

Vedelopment © 2017