Get in touch.

What I can do for you.

I am a full stack web developer who specializes in front-end and who also cares a lot about design and user experience. I create applications that are unique and functional, preferring to design exactly what is needed with no unneccessary elements and choose technologies that align with the goals of the project.

About my previous work:

With a decade of experience as a music producer, engineer and studio tech, managing creative teams and troubleshooting technical issues are strengths I bring to my current development work.

I have led countless clients successfully through the artistic process, translating their goals into tangible products by choosing the right combination of technology at every phase of a project. In coding, I find the process of creation to be very similar and equally exciting.

As a producer, I have worked as a project manager by setting milstone and sprint goals, manging the budget, hiring talent, choosing technologies and the best studio for their specific needs, and researching current trends. A majority of my work has spanned from inception to completion of a project. I am just as comfortable leading a team as I am being a part of one.

Vedelopment © 2017